
English as a Second Language Wikibook

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ESL.Wiki : English as a Second Language Wikibook is a textbook of English language taught as a non-native (second language), implemented on the principles of a wiki . Wikibook is formed on the basis of personal voluntary participation, is open and distributed under the free license "CC BY-SA", which allows you to use the materials of the textbook for your own purposes - for copying, reproduction and distribution. The structure of the textbook allows everyone to take part in it and contribute to its creation and development.

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You can help in information support of the ESL.Wiki by telling your friends and acquaintances about it, all those who may be interested in the project. Any mention of Wiki, and especially on the vastness of the World Wide Web, directly and indirectly contributes to the improvement of the quality and volume of its content. You can use the share buttons at the top of the Wikibook's pages.


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