
English as a Second Language Wikibook

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About ESL.Wiki

ESL.Wiki The main idea of ​​the ESL.Wiki site is to create an Internet tutorial and reference with open content for English learners, implemented on the principles of Wiki.

Wiki technology and features

The ESL.Wiki site is one of the variants of the Wiki, implemented on the wiki engine, namely "DokuWiki". Anyone who has access to the Internet and web browser can edit the articles on this site, which makes it possible to use it to develop and publish their materials intended for students and schoolchildren studying English.

In a general sense, a "wiki" is a kind of website, the pages of which you can not only view, but also change their content or even create new pages. Informationally, the Wiki is not a complete website for the visitor. On the contrary, Wiki strives to attract visitors to the ongoing collaboration and the process of creating content for the site. Wikis are formed on the basis of the personal contributions of each of the participants and, thus, are the result of co-creation of people.

The technology provided by wikis is very user-friendly for students and teachers. After learning a simple language wiki markup, you can post educational materials in the public domain, organize discussions on various issues, involve students in independent work on the development of Internet resources. Wikis create very convenient opportunities for joint development of projects involving the creation of electronic materials, their posting and discussion on the World Wide Web.

History of ESL.Wiki

The Wikibook originated from the personal notes of the editor under the pseudonym jl Alice, created in the process of learning English.

For the first time, notes are published on the free hosting TiddlySpot (the service for projects based on the wiki engine TiddlyWiki). According to the creation tag1) The first publications are dated April 23, 2010.

According to the Internet archive "Wayback Machine" the site was first mentioned on the domain name "" since 06/14/20112).

As an open project, with the ability to freely create and edit pages (switching to the "DokuWiki" engine), it is displayed in the Internet archive from 06/25/20143).

03/06/2021 The Wiki moved to the domain name ""4).


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