
English as a Second Language Wikibook

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English for Specific Purposes

English for specific purposes / English for special purposes (ESP) is a direction in teaching English used in various fields of human activity, subject areas, professional field.

It can be noted that ESP does not necessarily help you to actively communicate with foreigners, but it will come in handy if you move in a professional circle. Any ESP course covers a number of subject-related concepts that help future professionals to communicate fluently in their field.

Among the ESP the following main areas can be distinguished:

  • English for academic purposes;
  • English for occupational purposes;
  • English as a Restricted Language (for example radio traffic used in air traffic);
  • English for individual purposes.

Among the main subject areas, the following goals can be distinguished: banking and finance, marketing, tourism, law, nursing, science, management, computer technology, engineering, insurance, taxation, audit, aviation.

Articles on English for Special Purposes


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