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Forms of The Verb 'Be' and Its Conjugation

Conjugation of The Verb 'Be' (Finite Forms)
Indicative Mood Subjunctive Mood Imperative Mood
Tense Person sing. pl. sing. pl. sing. pl.
Present 1st I am we are I be we be

thou art(1) ye(2) are thou be / beest(3) ye be
you are you are you be you be
3rd he/she/it is they are he/she/it be they be
Past 1st I was we were I were we were

thou wast ye were thou wert ye were
you were you were you were you were
3rd he/she/it was they were he/she/it were they were
Non-Finite Forms of The Verb 'Be'
Infinitive (to) be
'-ing' form being
Participle II been
Aspect Forms of The Verb 'Be' in The Present Tense
Number Person Indefinite Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
sing. 1st I am I am being I have been I have been being
2nd thou art thou art being thou hast been thou hast been being
you are you are being you have been you have been being
3rd he is he is being he has been he has been being
she is she is being she has been she has been being
it is it is being it has been it has been being
pl. 1st we are we are being we have been we have been being
2nd you are you are being you have been you have been being
3rd they are they are being they have been they have been being
Aspect forms of the verb 'Be' in the past tense
sing. 1st I was I was being I had been I had been being
2nd thou wast thou wast being thou hadst been thou hadst been being
you were you were being you had been you had been being
3rd he was he was being he had been he had been being
she was she was being she had been she had been being
it was it was being it had been it had been being
pl. 1st we were we were being we had been we had been being
2nd you were you were being you had been you had been being
3rd they were they were being they had been they had been being
Negative and Interrogative Forms of The Verb 'Be' in The Indefinite Aspect of The Present Tense
Number Person 'to be (at) home'
Affirmative Interrogative Negative Negative Interrogative
sing. 1st I am home. Am I home? I am not home. Am I not home?
2nd Thou art home. Art thou home? Thou art not home. Art Thou not home?
You are home. Are you home? You are not home. Are you not home?
3rd He is home. Is he home? He is not home. Is he not home?
She is home. Is she home? She is not home. Is she not home?
It is home. Is it home? It is not home. Is it not home?
pl. 1st We are home. Are we home? We are not home. Are we not home?
2nd You are home. Are you home? You are not home. Are you not home?
3rd They are home. Are they home? They are not home. Are they not home?
Negative and Interrogative Forms of The Verb 'Be' in The Indefinite Aspect of The Past Tense
Number Person 'to be (at) home'
Affirmative Interrogative Negative Negative Interrogative
sing. 1st I was home. Was I home? I was not home. Was I not home?
2nd Thou wast home. Wast thou home? Thou wast not home. Wast Thou not home?
You were home. Were you home? You were not home. Were you not home?
3rd He was home. Was he home? He was not home. Was he not home?
She was home. Was she home? She was not home. Was she not home?
It was home. Was it home? It was not home. Was it not home?
pl. 1st We were home. Were we home? We were not home. Were we not home?
2nd You were home. Were you home? You were not home. Were you not home?
3rd They were home. Were they home? They were not home. Were they not home?
See also
1) The obsolete and dialectal use, see "thou".
2) The obsolete and poetic of plural 'You', also used in some dialects.
3) An older form for the subjunctive I of the verb 'Be', see "thou".


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