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"Rossia" самоназвание России на английском языке, иногда используемое некоторыми отечественными авторами в публицистических работах, также встречается в некоторых работах иностранных авторов, в том числе и в прошлом.

Rossia, Rossian в англоязычных текстах

For example, the 200,000-odd Tatas who have been living in Moscow for centuries find it extremely difficult to identify themselves with a 'Tatar nation' advocating self-determination on the territory of the Tatar republic. The same is true of the 4.5 Ukrainians, 1.2 million Belorussians, as well as Germans, Kazakhs, and Armenians living in Rossia.[1]

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A cursory perusal of the Greek texts of the prologue and the colophon reveals that they are not identical with the parallel ChSl(1) text, for example, in Ioann Fedorov’s colophon where he states that he is a son of the Great Rossia in Greek, but, in ChSl, a son of Moscow. The 16th c. Greek text deserves attention, since it has not been extensively commented – as far we know.[2]
It is a misnomer to call it either a Greek or a Russian Church in the true acceptation of the terms. Its proper title is a Muscovite Rossian Church; as having originated in the Duchy of Moskwa, and being founded, nursed, and shaped into its present form by the barbarian Warego-Tartaric Dukes of Moskwa, and the Czar of Petersburgh.[3]

On the question being put to you by my Lord Kinnaird, on February 10, 1846, whether the British Government had received any information respecting the cruel treatment inflicted by the Rossian Government on the Nuns of Minsk?[4]

Now, my Lord, what conclusions can the public deduce from this view of the means of gaining information respecting facts that occur in the Rossian Empire?[5]
He did not call them Russians. He knew his opponents for who they were. Even though the Czars demanded, ever since the early 18th century, that their empire be renamed as the Rossian Empire, politicians and cartographers alike continued to use the historical term Muscovy.[6]

And so after gaining full control over the lands of the actual historic Rus’, the Ukrainian lands around Kyiv in 1721, Czar Peter the Great renamed his Czardom of Muscovy as the Rossian Empire from the word Rossia, the Greek name for Rus’. This was a transparent attempt to appropriate the legacy of ancient Rus’.[7]

Strange as it may seem, much of the political elite of this empire still feels a phantom limb pain for this missing land. Certainly the reassembling of the Rossian Empire has been an oft-stated goal of Vladimir Putin. It was on 24 April 2005 that Putin told his country that the collapse of the Soviet empire “was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century”. He left no doubt that he intended to right that wrong.[8]
1) "ChSl" здесь сокр. от "Church Slavonic"
1] Valery Tishkov "Ethnicity, Nationalism and Conflict in and after the Soviet Union: The Mind Aflame" // -1997.
2] Antoaneta Granberg and Mirja Varpio "Church Slavonic books in Sweden : Gothenburg and Skara" : catalogue —2009 church_slavonic_books_in_sweden.pdf
3], 4], 5] Wincenty Otton Zienkiewicz "Lord Aberdeen, the Nuns of Minsk, Nicholas and the Rossian" [sic] State Church —London : F. A. Little, 1846 lord_aberdeen_the_nuns_of_minsk_nicholas.pdf


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